Die WK Pers wird am 11. und 12.09.2025 im Leibnizhaus in Hannover stattinden. Nähere Informationen folgen!
20. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung
- Tagungsthema: Transformation von Arbeit
- 21. und 22. November 2024
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Deadline 23.09.2024
- Call for Papers
Konferenz Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS)
Thema: Leadership in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Datum 7-10 Mai 2025
Ort: Mykonos, Griechenland
Save the Date: The 17th International Human Resource Management Conference
- Dubai, October 28-30th 2025
- Call for Papers
Informationen über kommende Workshops folgen.
CfP: Virtual Work in a Global World: Consequences and Perspectives for HRM (GHRM)
- Guest Editors: Tobias Blay, Fabian Jintae Froese, Marjaana Gunkel, Ashish Malik, Vasyl Taras
- Deadline: 31.10.2025
- Publication: Spring 2027
- Call for Papers
CfA: Schöller Fellowships für das Jahr 2025, Dr. Theo und Friedl Schöller Forschungszentrum für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
- Schöller Senior Fellow für international renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler (w/m/d)
- Schöller Fellow für aufstrebende Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler (w/m/d)
(auch Habilitierende, Post-Docs und herausragende Promovierende) - Frist: 31.12.2024
- Ausschreibung
CfP: JEEMS (Special Issue) Management and Organization in Times of War
- Journal of East European Management Studies (JEEMS)
- Guest Editors:
Taras Danko (National Technical University „Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute“),
Tetiana Sobolieva (Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, and Corvinus University of Budapest)
Piotr Trąpczyński (Poznan University of Economics and Business)
Thomas Steger (University of Regensburg) - Deadline for Extended Abstracts: 31.07.2024
- Deadline for Submissions: 30.11.2024
- Call for Papers
CfP: Organization Studies – Platform Organizations and Societal Change
- Organization Studies
- Special Issue “ Platform Organizations and Societal Change“
- Guest Editors: Cristina Alaimo, LUISS University, Annabelle Gawer, University of Surrey, Stefan Haefliger, Stockholm School of Economics & City, University of London, Evelyn Micelotta, University of Ottawa, Georg Reischauer, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business & Johannes Kepler, University Linz
- Deadline: 28.2.2025
- Call for papers
CfP: Work, Rest, and Play: examining work and labour relations in arts, sports, and entertainment
- Editors: Gretchen Purser, Rick Delbridge, Markus Helfen, and Andi Pekare
- Deadline: 10.01.2025
- Call for chapters
CfP: Employee Relations: Managing the Twin Transformation: Driving Sustainability and Digitalisation in Organisations
- Journal: Employee Relations: The International Journal
- Guest editors: Caroline Ruiner, Marion Büttgen, Ellen Weber, Siegmar Otto, Ronny Ehlen
- Submissions open: 30 June 2024
- Submissions close: 31 December 2024
- Call for papers
CfP: Special Issue in the Journal of Business Economics – Navigating New Frontiers of Organizational Creativity in a Digital Economy
Guest Editors:
Anne-Katrin Neyer (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Christian Hoßbach (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Alwine Mohnen (Technical University of Munich)
Ignasi Capdevila (Paris Business School)
- Abstract (1000 words)
- Call for Papers
CfP Management Revue Socio-Economic Studies Digital Transformation of Work
- Guest Editors:
René Schmoll, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
Bianca Straßhöfer, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
Stefan Süß, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany - Full Paper by 21 January 2025
- Call for Papers
CfP: Managing the Twin Transformation: Driving Sustainability and Digitalisation in Organisations (Employee Relations)
- Guest Editors: Caroline Ruiner, Marion Büttgen, Ellen Weber, Siegmar Otto, Ronny Ehlen
- Deadline: 31.12.2024
- Call for Papers
CfP: 3rd Organizing Creativity Transalpine Paper Development Workshop
- 12-13 Mai 2025
- @ Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Management in cooperation with Leuphana University Lüneburg
- Deadline: 27.01.2025 (1000 word abstract)
- Call for Papers
CfP: Organization Studies – Platform Organizations and Societal Change Organization Studies
- Special Issue “ Platform Organizations and Societal Change“
- Guest Editors: Cristina Alaimo, Annabelle Gawer, Stefan Haefliger, Evelyn Micelotta, Georg Reischauer & Johannes Kepler
- Deadline: 28.2.2025
- Call for papers
CfP: Work, Rest, and Play: examining work and labour relations in arts, sports, and entertainment
- Editors: Gretchen Purser, Rick Delbridge, Markus Helfen, and Andi Pekare
- Deadline: 10.01.2025
- Call for chapters
CfP Management Revue Socio-Economic Studies Digital Transformation of Work
- Guest Editors:
René Schmoll, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
Bianca Straßhöfer, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
Stefan Süß, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany - Full Paper by 21 January 2025
- Call for Papers
Call for Papers (EURAM 2025 in Florence): Managing Creativity for Innovation
In regard to the changing nature of work, organisational creativity faces new challenges linked to collaborative spaces, new technologies, and human-machine-interaction that make it necessary to advance our understanding of creativity both conceptually and empirically.
This track at the EURAM conference 2025 in Florence (Italy) intends to stimulate a multi-disciplinary debate around these and other current topics relevant for managing creativity in organisations.
WU Wien: Full Professor of Leadership and Strategic Change
- WU is currently inviting applications for the position of a full professor of Leadership and Strategic Change at the Department of Management.
- Applications until January 31, 2025.
WissMa (Doktorand:in) & WissMa (PostDoc), TU Dresden
- Tu Dresden, Professur für Organisation und Management, Prof. Dr. Stefan Razinskas
- Wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in (m/w/d)
- Wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Postdoc (m/w/d)
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d), Universität St. Gallen
Das Institut für Führung und Personalmanagement der Universität St. Gallen sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in für die Forschung und praktische Arbeit auf dem Gebiet Leadership. Im Zentrum der empirischen Studien stehen die Themen New Work, Energie und Hochleistung in innovativen Kontexten. Bewerbungsfrist: fortlaufend. Weitere Informationen
The Presence, Role, and Economic Impact of Employers’ Associations in Europe (British Journal of Industrial Relations)
Sonderheft des British Journal of Industrial Relations, herausgegeben von Dieter Sadowski, als einen state-of-the art-Beitrag zur empirischen Forschung zu Arbeitgeberverbänden in Europa
Konsortium für Business, Economic, and Related Data in der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (BERD@NFDI)
- BERD@NFDI bietet insbesondere Forschenden und Institutionen wertvolle Ressourcen und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Nutzung und Analyse von wirtschaftsbezogenen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Daten.
- Mehr Informationen