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University of St.Gallen / The School of Management / Associate Professorship in Entrepreneurship / Owner-managed firms (100%)

Application deadline: April 4, 2025

«A place where knowledge is created» – As a leading business university we set global stand-ards for research and teaching by promoting integrative thought, responsible action and an entrepreneurial spirit of innovation in business and society.

Associate Professorship in Entrepreneurship / Owner-managed firms (100%)

The School of Management at the University of St. Gallen is seeking candidates for an Associ-ate Professorship in the field of entrepreneurship / owner-managed firms per February 1st, 2026, or by mutual agreement.

We are looking for a candidate who is able to make important contributions to academia, practice, and society at large in current debates on entrepreneurship / owner-managed firms. The ideal candidate has an internationally recognized track record in research, reflected in multiple publications in leading journals (FT 50), a pipeline of promising research projects, and a strong international academic network.

We expect the candidate to be able to teach at all levels (BA, MA, PhD and Executive). The candidate should be a strong teacher who has developed innovative teaching formats and suc-cessfully offered them in the past. The teaching load with this full-time position is 8 hours per week during the semester. Experience in the fields of executive education and acquisition of third-party funding are important advantages.

We invite the candidate to join the University of St. Gallen’s collaborative culture and the team of the Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (KMU-HSG). The can-didate is also expected to take on an active leadership role at the Institute, becoming one of its Co-Directors. We are seeking a colleague who is willing to contribute to the University of St. Gallen’s self-administration.

The University’s official languages are German and English. The postholder is expected to ac-quire a passive knowledge of German within two years of the appointment.

The University of St.Gallen is committed to promoting equal opportunities and an inclusive working culture. We explicitly encourage women and members of underrepresented groups to apply. We offer dual-career and welcome services for newly appointed faculty (and their families).

For further information, please contact Professor Dr Björn Ambos, Chair of the Appointment Committee and Dean of the School of Management (facultyposition@unisg.ch).

The application should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching and research state-ment, list of publications, list of acquired funds and contact information for two professional references that we may contact if shortlisted for the position. Candidates should submit their application to the President of the University of St.Gallen, Professor Dr Manuel Ammann, online via www.unisg.ch/professorships at the latest by April 4, 2025. Research talks are ex-pected to take place on June 19, 2025.