Jürgen Hauschildt Preis

Die Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship im VHB vergibt jedes Jahr einen Preis für die beste wissenschaftliche Publikation zum empirisch fundierten Innovationsmanagement – den Jürgen Hauschildt Preis. Der Preis wird jährlich im Rahmen der Kommissionstagung überreicht.

Der Call for Paper zur Ausschreibung 2025 wird rechtzeitig hier veröffentlicht.


Bisher ausgezeichnete Arbeiten:

Wambsganss, A., Bröring, S., Salomo, S., & Sick, N. (2023). Technology strategies in converging technology systems: Evidence from printed electronics. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40(5), 705-732.


Krause, F., & Franke, N. (2024). Understanding consumer self-design abandonment: A dynamic perspective. Journal of Marketing, 88(2), 79-98.

Schweisfurth, T. G., Schöttl, C. P., Raasch, C., & Zaggl, M. A. (2023). Distributed decision‐making in the shadow of hierarchy: How hierarchical similarity biases idea evaluation. Strategic Management Journal. 44(9), 2255-2282.

Runge, S., Schwens, C., & Schulz, M. (2022). The invention performance implications of coopetition: How technological, geographical, and product market overlaps shape learning and competitive tension in R&D alliances. Strategic Management Journal, 43(2), 266-294.

in dem Jahr nicht verliehen

Roeth, T., Spieth, P., & Lange, D. (2019). Managerial political behavior in innovation portfolio management: A sensegiving and sensebreaking process. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(5), 534-559.

Pollok, P., Lüttgens, D., & Piller, F. T. (2019). Attracting solutions in crowdsourcing contests: The role of knowledge distance, identity disclosure, and seeker status. Research Policy, 48(1), 98-114.


Fuchs, C., Sting, F. J., Schlickel, M., & Alexy, O. (2019). The ideator’s bias: How identity-induced self-efficacy drives overestimation in employee-driven process innovation. Academy of Management Journal, 62(5), 1498-1522.

Wagner, S., & Goossen, M. C. (2018). Knowing me, knowing you: Inventor mobility and the formation of technology-oriented alliances. Academy of Management Journal, 61(6), 2026-2052.

Criscuolo, P., Dahlander, L., Grohsjean, T., & Salter, A. (2017). Evaluating novelty: The role of panels in the selection of R&D projects. Academy of Management Journal, 60(2), 433-460.

Bauer, J., Franke, N., & Tuertscher, P. (2016). Intellectual property norms in online communities: How user-organized intellectual property regulation supports innovation. Information Systems Research, 27(4), 724-750.

Duran, P., Kammerlander, N., Van Essen, M., & Zellweger, T. (2016). Doing more with less: Innovation input and output in family firms. Academy of Management Journal, 59(4), 1224-1264.

Grimpe, C., & Hussinger, K. (2014). Resource complementarity and value capture in firm acquisitions: The role of intellectual property rights. Strategic Management Journal, 35(12), 1762-1780.

Franke, N., Keinz, P., & Klausberger, K. (2013). “Does this sound like a fair deal?”: Antecedents and consequences of fairness expectations in the individual’s decision to participate in firm innovation. Organization Science, 24(5), 1495-1516.

Gruber, M., Harhoff, D., & Hoisl, K. (2013). Knowledge recombination across technological boundaries: Scientists vs. engineers. Management Science, 59(4), 837-851.

Fauchart, E., & Gruber, M. (2011). Darwinians, communitarians, and missionaries: The role of founder identity in entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5), 935-957.

Talke, K., Salomo, S., Wieringa, J. E., & Lutz, A. (2009). What about design newness? Investigating the relevance of a neglected dimension of product innovativeness. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(6), 601-615.