Liste der Fachzeitschriften in VHB-JOURQUAL3
Die folgende Tabelle enthält in alphabetischer Reihenfolge sämtliche Fachzeitschriften, die den Mitgliedern des VHB im Rahmen von VHB-JOURQUAL3 zur Bewertung vorgelegt wurden und die mindestens zehn Bewertungen erhalten haben. Ausgewiesen werden neben Zeitschriftenname und ISSN der Druckversion (sofern verfügbar) das Ratingurteil in VHB-JOURQUAL3 (JQ3) sowie der Verweis auf die Teilratings, in denen die Zeitschrift bewertet wurde. Neben den Bewertungen A+ bis D für wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften werden weiterhin folgende Abkürzungen genutzt: „k.w.Z.“ = „keine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift“ sowie „k.R.“= „kein Rating im Rahmen von VHB-JOURQUAL3“.
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Zeitschriften | ISSN | JQ3 | Enthalten in Teilrating(s) |
4OR | 1619-4500 | C | OR |
Abacus | 0001-3072 | B | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Absatzwirtschaft | 0001-3374 | k.w.Z. | MARK |
Academy of Management Annals | 1941-6520 | A | ABWL |
Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) | 0001-4273 | A+ | ABWL |
Academy of Management Learning & Education | 1537-260X | B | HSM, ORG / PERS |
Academy of Management Perspectives | 1558-9080 | B | ABWL |
Academy of Management Review (AMR) | 0363-7425 | A+ | ABWL |
Accountancy | 0001-4664 | D | RECH |
Accounting and Business Research | 0001-4788 | B | STEU, RECH |
Accounting and Finance | 0810-5391 | C | BA-FI, RECH |
Accounting and the Public Interest | 1530-9320 | C | ÖBWL, RECH |
Accounting Education: An International Journal | 0963-9284 | C | RECH |
Accounting Forum | 0155-9982 | C | RECH |
Accounting Historians Journal | 0148-4184 | C | RECH |
Accounting History | 1032-3732 | C | RECH |
Accounting History Review (früher: Accounting, Business & Financial History) | 0958-5206 | B | BA-FI, RECH |
Accounting Horizons | 0888-7993 | B | STEU, RECH |
Accounting in Europe | 1744-9480 | C | STEU, RECH |
Accounting Perspectives | 1911-382X | C | RECH |
Accounting Research Journal | 1030-9616 | C | RECH |
Accounting Review | 0001-4826 | A+ | STEU, RECH |
Accounting, Auditing, & Accountability Journal | 0951-3574 | B | RECH, WEW |
Accounting, Economics, and Law ?-- A Convivium | 2152-2820 | B/C | RECH |
Accounting, Organizations and Society | 0361-3682 | A | STEU, RECH |
ACM Computing Reviews | 0010-4884 | C | WI |
ACM Computing Surveys | 0360-0300 | B | WI |
ACM SIGMIS Database | 0095-0033 | B | WI |
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | 1073-0516 | B | WI |
ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 0362-5915 | k.R. | WI |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 1046-8188 | B | WI |
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | 2158-656X | B | WI |
Administration & Society | 0095-3997 | C | ÖBWL |
Administration and Public Management Review | 1583-9583 | C | ÖBWL |
Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) | 0001-8392 | A+ | ABWL |
Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Proceedings of the International Conference CAiSE (früher: Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering) | verschiedene ISBN | C | WI |
Advances in Accounting | 0882-6110 | C | STEU, RECH |
Advances in Applied Business Strategy (eingestellt 2010) | 0749-6826 | k.R. | ABWL |
Advances in Consumer Research | 0098-9258 | C | MARK |
Advances in International Marketing | 1474-7979 | C | INT, MARK |
Advances in Management Accounting | 1474-7871 | C | RECH |
Advances in Strategic Management | 0742-3322 | C | ABWL, SM |
AIS Transaction on Enterprise Systems | 1867-7134 | C | WI |
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | 1945-7731 | k.R. | STEU |
American Economic Review | 0002-8282 | A+ | ABWL |
American Journal of Public Health | 0090-0036 | k.R. | Gesundheitswesen |
American Psychologist | 0003-066X | k.R. | keine Disziplin |
American Review of Public Administration | 0275-0740 | C | ÖBWL |
AMS Review | 1869-814X | B | MARK |
Annals of Operations Research | 0254-5330 | B | OR |
Applied Economics | 0003-6846 | k.R. | STEU |
Applied Financial Economics | 0960-3107 | C | BA-FI |
Applied Financial Economics Letters | 1744-6546 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy | 1175-5652ÿ | B | Gesundheitswesen |
Applied Mathematical Finance | 1350-486X | k.R. | BA-FI |
Applied Psychology | 0269-994X | B | ORG / PERS |
Arbeit | 0941-5025 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Arbeits und Organisationspsychologie A&O | 0932-4089 | C | ORG / PERS |
Artificial Intelligence | 0004-3702 | B | OR, WI |
Asia Pacific Business Review | 1360-2381 | C | ABWL |
Asia Pacific Journal of Management | 0217-4561 | C | ABWL |
Asian Business & Management | 1472-4782 | k.R. | INT |
Asian Journal of Marketing | 1819-1924 | k.R. | MARK |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics | 1608-1625 | C | RECH |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research | 0217-5959 | C | LOG, OR, PROD |
ASTIN Bulletin | 0515-0361 | k.R. | BA-FI, Versicherungswirtschaft |
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory | 0278-0380 | B | RECH |
Australasian Marketing Journal | 1441-3582 | D | MARK |
Australian Accounting Review | 1835-2561 | C | RECH |
Australian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS) | 1326-2238 | C | WI |
Australian Journal of Management | 0312-8962 | C | ABWL |
Australian Journal of Public Administration | 1467-8500 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Australian Tax Forum: a Journal of Taxation Policy, Law and Reform | 0812-695X | k.R. | STEU |
Baltic Journal of Management | 1746-5265 | C | ABWL |
Bank Accounting & Finance (eingestellt 2010) | 0894-3958 | k.R. | BA-FI, RECH |
BankArchiv: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Bank- und Börsenwesen | 1015-1516 | D | BA-FI |
Bankhistorisches Archiv | 0341-6208 | k.R. | BA-FI |
BB-Betriebs-Berater | 0340-7918 | k.w.Z. | STEU, RECH |
Behavioral Research in Accounting | 1050-4753 | B | STEU, RECH |
Benchmarking: An International Journal | 1463-5771 | C | ABWL |
Betriebswirtschaftliche Blätter: Fachzeitschrift für Unternehmensführung in der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe | 0723-9629 | k.w.Z. | ABWL |
BFuP - Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis | 0340-5370 | C | ABWL |
BIT Banking and Information Technology | 0006-3835 | D | BA-FI, WI |
BKR - Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht | 1617-7223 | k.R. | BA-FI |
BMC Health Services Research | 1472-6963 | C | Gesundheitswesen |
British Journal of Healthcare Management | 1358-0574 | C | Gesundheitswesen |
British Journal of Industrial Relations (BJIR) | 0007-1080 | k.R. | INT |
British Journal of Management (BJM) | 1045-3172 | B | ABWL |
British Tax Review | 0007-1870 | C | STEU |
Bulletin for International Taxation | 0007-4624 | k.R. | STEU |
Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (früher: Wirtschaftsinformatik WI) | 0937-6429 | B | WI |
Business & Society | 0007-6503 | B | NAMA, WEW |
Business + Innovation | 1868-8241 | C | ABWL |
Business and Society Review | 0045-3609 | C | NAMA |
Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) | 1052-150X | B | RECH, NAMA, WEW |
Business Ethics: A European Review | 0962-8770 | C | RECH, NAMA, WEW |
Business Horizons | 0007-6813 | C | ABWL |
Business Process Management Journal | 1463-7154 | C | ORG / PERS, TIE, WI |
Business Process Management Workshops (früher: Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM)) | verschiedene ISBN | C | WI |
Business Research (früher: BuR - Business Research) | 1866-8658 | B | ABWL |
Business Strategy and the Environment | 0964-4733 | B | NAMA, SM |
Business Strategy Review | 0955-6419 | C | ABWL, SM |
California Management Review | 0008-1256 | B | ABWL |
Canadian Journal of Economics - Revue Canadienne d'économique | 0008-4085 | k.R. | STEU |
Canadian Tax Journal - Revue Fiscale Canadienne | 0008-5111 | k.R. | STEU |
Central European Journal of Operations Research | 1435-246X | C | OR |
Communications of the ACM (CACM) | 0001-0782 | B | WI |
Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) | 1529-3181 | C | WI |
Computational Management Science | 1619-697X | k.R. | OR |
Computer Networks | 1389-1286 | k.R. | WI |
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) | 0925-9724 | C | WI |
Computers and Industrial Engineering | 0360-8352 | B | PROD |
Computers and Operations Research | 0305-0548 | B | OR, WI |
Computers in Industry | 0166-3615 | C | OR, PROD, ORG / PERS, WI |
Consumption, Markets and Culture | 1025-3866 | k.R. | MARK |
Contemporary Accounting Research - Recherche Comptable Contemporaine | 0823-9150 | A | STEU, RECH |
Controller Magazin | 1616-0495 | k.w.Z. | RECH |
Controlling & Management Review (früher: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management ZfCM) | 2195-8262 | D | PROD, RECH |
Controlling, Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung | 0935-0381 | D | RECH |
Corporate Finance (früher: Finanz Betrieb FB) | 1437-8981 | D | STEU, RECH |
Corporate Governance An International Review | 0964-8410 | C | ABWL |
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society | 1472-0701 | C | NAMA |
Corporate Ownership and Control | 1727-9232 | C | ABWL |
Corporate Reputation Review | 1363-3589 | D | MARK, ORG / PERS |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | 1535-3958 | C | NAMA |
Cost Management | 1092-8057 | D | RECH |
Creativity and Innovation Management | 0963-1690 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Credit and Capital Markets - Kredit und Kapital | 2199-1227 | C | BA-FI |
Critical Finance Review | 2164-5744 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Critical Perspectives on Accounting | 1045-2354 | B | RECH |
Critical Perspectives on International Business | 1742-2043 | k.R. | INT |
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal | 1352-7606 | C | INT, ORG / PERS |
Cross-Cultural Research | 1069-3971 | k.R. | INT |
Culture and Organization | 1475-9551 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Customer Needs and Solutions | 2196-291X | k.R. | MARK |
Das Gesundheitswesen | 0941-3790 | C | Gesundheitswesen |
Das Hochschulwesen | 0018-2974 | k.R. | HSM, ÖBWL |
Das Krankenhaus | 0340-3602 | k.w.Z. | keine Disziplin |
Data & Knowledge Engineering | 0169-023X | B | ORG / PERS, WI |
Database and Expert Systems Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference DEXA (früher: Proceedings of the International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications) | verschiedene ISBN | k.R. | WI |
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit | 0724-4371 | k.R. | WI |
DBW Die Betriebswirtschaft- Business Administration Review (BAReV) | 0342-7064 | C | ABWL |
Decision Analysis | 1545-8490 | k.R. | OR |
Decision Sciences | 0011-7315 | B | OR, PROD, WI |
Decision Support Systems (DSS) | 0167-9236 | B | MARK, OR, ORG / PERS, WI |
Der Betrieb | 0005-9935 | D | STEU, RECH |
Der Betriebswirt - Management in Wissenschaft und Praxis | 0172-6196 | D | ABWL |
Der Konzern: Zeitschrift fr Gesellschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht, Bilanzrecht und Rechnungslegung der verbundenen Unternehmen | 1611-2296 | D | RECH |
der markt - International Journal of Marketing (eingestellt 2013) | 0025-3863 | D | MARK |
der moderne staat: Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management (DMS) | 1865-7192 | C | ÖBWL |
Der Steuerberater - Zeitschrift für Beruf und Praxis | 0049-223X | k.w.Z. | STEU |
Deutsche SteuerZeitung | 0724-5637 | D | STEU |
Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR) | 0949-7676 | D | STEU, RECH |
Die Aktiengesellschaft | 0002-3752 | D | STEU |
Die Bank | 0342-3182 | k.w.Z. | BA-FI |
Die Öffentliche Verwaltung (DÖV) | 0029-859X | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Die Steuerberatung (Stbg) | 0490-9658 | k.w.Z. | STEU |
Die steuerliche Betriebsprüfung | 0340-9503 | k.w.Z. | STEU, RECH |
Die Unternehmensbesteuerung (Ubg) | 1865-7222 | D | STEU, RECH |
Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice | 0042-059X | C | ABWL |
Die Verwaltung: Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungswissenschaften | 0042-4498 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Die Wirtschaftsprüfung (WPg) | 0340-9031 | C | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Discrete Applied Mathematics | 0166-218X | A | LOG, OR, PROD |
EC Tax Review | 0928-2750 | k.R. | STEU |
Ecological Economics | 0921-8009 | B | NAMA |
E-Commerce and Web Technologies. Proceedings of the International Conference EC-Web (früher: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies) | verschiedene ISBN | k.R. | WI |
Econometrica | 0012-9682 | A+ | ABWL |
Economic Journal | 0013-0133 | k.R. | STEU |
Economics Letters | 0165-1765 | B | STEU |
Economics of Education Review | 0272-7757 | k.R. | HSM |
Economics of Innovation and New Technology | 1043-8599 | B | TIE |
eJournal of Tax Research | 1448-2398 | k.R. | STEU |
Electronic Commerce Research | 1389-5753 | C | MARK, WI |
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) | 1567-4223 | C | MARK, WI |
Electronic Markets (em) | 1019-6781 | B | WI |
Employee Relations | 0142-5455 | B | ORG / PERS |
Energy Economics | 0140-9883 | B | NAMA |
Energy Policy | 0301-4215 | B | ÖBWL, TIE, NAMA |
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (Online) | 1866-3621 | C | WI |
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development | 0898-5626 | B | Entrepreneurship |
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice (ET&P) | 1042-2587 | A | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
e-Service Journal | 1528-8226 | D | WI, DL-Handel |
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization | 2192-4406 | k.R. | OR |
EURO Journal on Decision Processes | 2193-9438 | k.R. | OR |
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics | 2192-4376 | B | OR |
Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) | 0937-7204 | k.R. | STEU |
Europäisches Wirtschafts und Steuerrecht (EWS) - Betriebs-Berater Europa | 0938-3050 | k.R. | STEU |
European Accounting Review | 0963-8180 | A | STEU, RECH |
European Business Journal | 0955-808X | C | ABWL |
European Economic Review | 0014-2921 | k.R. | STEU |
European Financial Management | 1354-7798 | B | BA-FI, INT |
European Journal of Finance | 1351-847X | B | BA-FI, RECH |
European Journal of Health Economics | 1618-7598 | B | Gesundheitswesen |
European Journal of Industrial Relations | 0959-6801 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) | 0960-085X | A | WI |
European Journal of Innovation Management | 1460-1060 | C | TIE |
European Journal of International Management | 1751-6757 | B | INT |
European Journal of Law and Economics | 0929-1261 | C | STEU |
European Journal of Management (EJM): A Publication of the Academy of International Business and Economics | 1555-4015 | C | ABWL |
European Journal of Marketing | 0309-0566 | C | MARK |
European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) | 0377-2217 | A | OR, PROD |
European Journal of Political Economy | 0176-2680 | k.R. | STEU |
European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology | 1359-432X | B | ORG / PERS |
European Management Journal | 0263-2373 | B | ABWL |
European Management Review (EMR) | 1740-4754 | B | ORG / PERS |
European Sport Management Quarterly | 1618-4742 | k.R. | DL-Handel, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
European Taxation | 0014-3138 | C | STEU, RECH |
Evolutionary Computation | 1063-6560 | k.R. | OR, WI |
Experimental Economics | 1386-4157 | A | ABWL |
f&w führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus | 0175-4548 | k.w.Z. | Gesundheitswesen |
Family Business Review | 0894-4865 | B | Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Finance and Stochastics | 0949-2984 | B | BA-FI |
Finance Research Letters | 1544-6123 | B | BA-FI |
Financial Accountability and Management | ÿ0267-4424 | C | ÖBWL, RECH |
Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ) | 0015-198X | B | BA-FI |
Financial Management | 0046-3892 | B | BA-FI |
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management | 1555-4961 | C | BA-FI |
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments | 0963-8008 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Financial Review | 0732-8516 | B/C | BA-FI |
FinanzArchiv - Public Finance Analysis (FA) | 0015-2218 | B | BA-FI, STEU |
Finanz-Rundschau | 0940-452X | C | STEU |
Fiscal Studies | 0143-5671 | C | STEU |
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM) | 1936-6582 | B | OR, PROD |
Forum Wirtschaftsethik | 0947-756X | k.w.Z. | WEW |
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research (Proceedings of Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference) | verschiedene ISBN | C | Entrepreneurship |
Fuzzy Sets and Systems | 0165-0114 | k.R. | OR |
GAIA - Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | 0940-5550 | D | NAMA |
Gender, Work & Organization | 0968-6673 | B | ORG / PERS |
Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice | 1018-5895 | B | BA-FI, Versicherungswirtschaft |
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review | 1554-964X | k.R. | Versicherungswirtschaft |
German Economic Review | 1465-6485 | B | STEU |
Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement | 1432-2625 | D | Gesundheitswesen |
GFK Marketing Intelligence Review | 1865-5866 | D | MARK |
Global Finance Journal | 1044-0283 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) | 2042-5805 | B | INT, SM |
GmbHRundschau | 0016-3570 | k.w.Z. | STEU |
Governance | 0952-1895 | A | ÖBWL |
greener management international (eingestellt 2012) | 0966-9671 | D | NAMA |
Group & Organization Management | 1059-6011 | B | ORG / PERS |
Group Decision and Negotiation | 0926-2644 | B | MARK, OR, ORG / PERS, WI |
Gruppendynamik & Organisationsberatung | 0046-6514 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Harvard Business Manager | 0174-335X | k.w.Z. | ABWL |
Harvard Business Review | 0017-8012 | C | ABWL |
Health Care Management Review | 0361-6274 | B | Gesundheitswesen |
Health Care Management Science | 1386-9620 | A | Gesundheitswesen |
Health Economics | 1057-9230 | A | Gesundheitswesen |
Health Economics, Policy and Law | 1744-1331 | k.R. | Gesundheitswesen |
Health Policy | 0168-8510 | B | Gesundheitswesen |
Health Services Management Research | 0951-4848 | C | Gesundheitswesen |
Health Services Research (HSR) | 0017-9124 | A | Gesundheitswesen |
Higher Education | 0018-1560 | k.R. | HSM |
Higher Education Quarterly | 1468-2273 | k.R. | HSM |
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik | 1436-3011 | D | WI |
Hochschulmanagement. Zeitschrift für die Leitung, Entwicklung und Selbstverwaltung von Hochschulen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen | 1860-3025 | k.R. | HSM, ÖBWL |
Human Performance | 0895-9285 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Human Relations | 0018-7267 | B | ORG / PERS |
Human Resource Development International | 1367-8868 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Human Resource Development Review (HRD Review) | 1534-4843 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Human Resource Management | 0090-4848 | B | ORG / PERS |
Human Resource Management Journal | 0954-5395 | B | ORG / PERS |
Human Resource Management Review | 1053-4822 | B | ORG / PERS |
Human-Computer Interaction | 0737-0024 | C | WI |
IBM Journal of Research and Development (früher: IBM Systems Journal) | 0018-8670 | C | WI |
IEEE Computer | 0018-9162 | C | WI |
IEEE Internet Computing | 1089-7801 | k.R. | WI |
IEEE Pervasive Computing | 1536-1268 | k.R. | WI |
IEEE Software | 0740-7459 | C | WI |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (früher: IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production) | 2156-3950 | k.R. | PROD, WI |
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | 0018-9391 | B | TIE, WI |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 0098-5589 | B | WI |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (früher: ...Part A: Systems and Humans) | 2168-2216 | C | OR, WI |
IIE Transactions | 0740-817X | A | OR, PROD |
IM+io - Das Magazin für Innovation, Organisation und Management (früher: Information Management & Consulting) | 1616-1017 | k.w.Z. | WI, DL-Handel |
Industrial and Corporate Change (ICC) | 0960-6491 | B | ORG / PERS, TIE |
Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILR Review) | 0019-7939 | A/B | INT, ORG / PERS |
Industrial Management & Data Systems | 0263-5577 | k.R. | PROD, TIE, WI |
Industrial Marketing Management | 0019-8501 | B | MARK |
Industrielle Beziehungen | 0943-2779 | C | ORG / PERS |
Industry & Innovation | 1366-2716 | B | ORG / PERS, TIE, Entrepreneurship |
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research (früher: Journal for Canadian Operational Research Society) | 0315-5986 | k.R. | OR |
Informatik-Spektrum | 0170-6012 | D | WI |
Information & Management | 0378-7206 | B | WI |
Information and Organization | 1471-7727 | B | RECH, WI |
Information Resources Management Journal | 1040-1628 | k.R. | ORG / PERS, WI |
Information Systems (IS) | 0306-4379 | B | WI |
Information Systems and e-Business Management | 1617-9846 | C | WI |
Information Systems Frontiers | 1387-3326 | B | WI |
Information Systems Journal (ISJ) | 1350-1917 | A | WI |
Information Systems Management | 1058-0530 | C | WI |
Information Systems Research (ISR) | 1047-7047 | A+ | OR, WI |
Information Technology and Management | 1385-951X | C | WI |
INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC) | 1091-9856 | A | OR, WI |
Innovative Verwaltung | 1618-9876 | k.R. | ÖBWL, ORG / PERS |
Insurance: Mathematics & Economics | 0167-6687 | k.R. | Versicherungswirtschaft |
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management | 1055-615X | k.R. | RECH, WI |
Interfaces | 0092-2102 | B | OR, PROD |
Internal Auditor | 0020-5745 | k.R. | RECH |
International Business & Economics Research Journal | 1535-0754 | C | ABWL |
International Business Review | 0969-5931 | B | INT |
International Economic Review | 0020-6598 | k.R. | INT |
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | 1554-7191 | B/C | Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Accounting | 0020-7063 | B | RECH |
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | 1467-0895 | C | RECH |
International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation | 1740-8008 | C | STEU, RECH |
International Journal of Advertising | 0265-0487 | C | MARK |
International Journal of Arts Management | 1480-8986 | k.R. | Medien Kultur Freizeit |
International Journal of Auditing | 1090-6738 | B | RECH |
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management | 1470-9511 | C | PROD, TIE |
International Journal of Bank Marketing | 0265-2323 | k.R. | BA-FI, MARK |
International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) | 0021-9436 | k.R. | MARK, ORG / PERS |
International Journal of Business Environment | 1740-0589 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining | 1743-8187 | k.R. | WI |
International Journal of Business Intelligence Research | 1947-3591 | k.R. | WI |
International Journal of Business Performance Management IJBPM | 1368-4892 | D | ABWL |
International Journal of Business Research (IJBR): A Publication of the Academy of International Business and Economics | 1554-5466 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management | 1753-0296 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Business Strategy (IJBS): A Publication of the Academy of International Business and Economics | 1553-9563 | C | ABWL, SM |
International Journal of Consumer Studies | 1470-6423 | D | MARK |
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management (CCM) | 1470-5958 | k.R. | INT |
International Journal of Economics and Accounting | 2041-868X | C | RECH |
International Journal of Economics and Business Research (IJEBR) | 1756-9850 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Electronic Business | 1470-6067 | C | MARK, WI |
International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC) | 1086-4415 | B | WI |
International Journal of Energy Sector Management | 1750-6220 | B | PROD, TIE, NAMA |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research | 1355-2554 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing | 1742-5360 | B | TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 1465-7503 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management | 1368-275X | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business | 1476-1297 | C | Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Finance | 1041-2743 | C | BA-FI |
International Journal of Forecasting | 0169-2070 | C | OR |
International Journal of Game Theory | 0020-7276 | k.R. | OR |
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business | 1479-3059 | C | Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Government Auditing | 0047-0724 | k.R. | RECH |
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics | 1389-6563 | k.R. | Gesundheitswesen |
International Journal of Health Planning and Management | 0749-6753 | k.R. | Gesundheitswesen |
International Journal of Healthcare Management (früher: Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare) | 1753-3031 | D | Gesundheitswesen |
International Journal of Human Resource Management | 0958-5192 | B | ORG / PERS |
International Journal of Human Resources: Development and Management | 1465-6612 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
International Journal of Industrial Organization | 0167-7187 | B | ABWL |
International Journal of Information Management | 0268-4012 | C | WI |
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) | 1947-8186 | k.R. | WI |
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach | 1935-570X | k.R. | WI |
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making | 0219-6220 | C | OR, TIE, WI |
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development | 1740-8822 | C | TIE, NAMA, WEW |
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management | 0219-8770 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Innovation Management | 1363-9196 | B | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management | 1477-5360 | C | LOG, PROD |
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising | 1477-5212 | k.R. | MARK |
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) | 1548-0666 | C | ORG / PERS, WI |
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (eingestellt 2012) | 1743-8268 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Learning and Change | 1740-2875 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
International Journal of Logistics Management | 0957-4093 | C | LOG, PROD |
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications | 1367-5567 | C | LOG |
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development | 1468-4330 | k.R. | Entrepreneurship |
International Journal of Management Practice | 1477-9064 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Management Reviews IJMR | 1460-8545 | B | ABWL |
International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting | 1753-6715 | C | RECH |
International Journal of Manpower | 0143-7720 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
International Journal of Market Research (früher: Journal of the Market Research Society) | 0025-3618 | D | MARK |
International Journal of Microsimulation | 1747-5864 | k.R. | STEU |
International Journal of Mobile Communications | 1470-949X | C | TIE, WI |
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations | 1470-9503 | k.R. | ORG / PERS, TIE |
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing | 1465-4520 | C | MARK, ÖBWL |
International Journal of Operations & Production Management | 0144-3577 | B | LOG, OR, PROD |
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management | 1082-1910 | k.R. | OR, PROD |
International Journal of Operational Research | 1745-7645 | C | OR |
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management | 0960-0035 | B | LOG, PROD |
International Journal of Product Development | 1477-9056 | C | TIE |
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management | 1743-5110 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Production Economics | 0925-5273 | B | LOG, OR, PROD |
International Journal of Production Research | 0020-7543 | B | OR, PROD |
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management | 1741-0401 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Project Management | 0263-7863 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Project Organization and Management Science (IJPOM) | 1740-2891 | k.R. | ABWL |
International Journal of Public Administration | 0190-0692 | C | ÖBWL |
International Journal of Public Sector Management | 0951-3558 | C | ÖBWL |
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management | 1741-1041 | C | ÖBWL |
International Journal of Research in Marketing | 0167-8116 | A | MARK |
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management | 0959-0552 | C | MARK, DL-Handel |
International Journal of Revenue Management | 1474-7332 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) | 1947-959X | D | WI, DL-Handel |
International Journal of Services and Operations Management | 1744-2370 | k.R. | PROD |
International Journal of Services Technology and Management | 1460-6720 | k.R. | DL-Handel |
International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship | 1464-6668 | D | MARK, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
International Journal of Strategic Management (IJSM): A Publication of the Academy of International Business and Economics | 1555-2411 | C | ABWL, SM |
International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management | 1753-3600 | C | NAMA, SM |
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care | 0266-4623 | B | Gesundheitswesen |
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning | 1740-2832 | k.R. | TIE |
International Journal of Technology Management | 0267-5730 | C | TIE |
International Journal of Technology Marketing | 1741-878X | k.R. | TIE |
International Journal of the Economics of Business | 1357-1516 | C | ABWL |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance | 0219-0249 | B | BA-FI |
International Journal on Media Management | 1424-1277 | C | WI, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
International Marketing Review | 0265-1335 | B | INT, MARK |
International Public Management Journal | 1096-7494 | B | ÖBWL |
International Public Management Review (IPMR) | 1662-1387 | C | ÖBWL |
International Review of Administrative Sciences | 0020-8523 | C | ÖBWL |
International Review of Law and Economics | 0144-8188 | B | ABWL |
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research | 0959-3969 | C | MARK, DL-Handel |
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing | 1865-1984 | C | ÖBWL |
International Small Business Journal | 0266-2426 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
International Studies of Management & Organization | 0020-8825 | C | ABWL |
International Tax and Public Finance | 0927-5940 | B | BA-FI, STEU, ÖBWL |
International Transactions in Operational Research | 0969-6016 | k.R. | OR |
Internationale Wirtschafts-Briefe (IWB) | 0020-9368 | k.R. | STEU |
Internationales Steuerrecht (iStR) | 0942-6744 | C | STEU, INT |
Internationales Verkehrswesen | 0020-9511 | k.R. | LOG |
Intertax | 0165-2826 | C | STEU |
IO management (früher: IO new management) (eingestellt 2013) | 1660-5683 | D | ABWL |
IRZ - Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung | 1862-5533 | D | RECH |
Issues in Accounting Education | 0739-3172 | C | RECH |
Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung (eingestellt 2009) | 0021-3985 | k.R. | MARK |
Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis | verschiedene ISBN | k.R. | KMU |
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Review of Economics | 0948-5139 | C | ABWL |
Jahrbuch Vertriebs- und Handelsmanagement (früher: Jahrbuch Handelsmanagement) (eingestellt 2010) | verschiedene ISBN | k.R. | DL-Handel |
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik: Journal of Economics and Statistics | 0021-4027 | k.R. | STEU |
JORS. Journal of the Operational Research Society (früher: Operational Research Quarterly) | 0160-5682 | B | OR |
Journal for East European Management Studies | 0949-6181 | C | ABWL |
Journal for General Philosophy of Science (Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie) | 0925-4560ÿ | k.R. | RECH, WEW |
Journal for Labour Market Research - Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung (früher: Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarkt Forschung) | 1614-3485 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics | 1542-8710 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Accountancy | 0021-8448 | D | RECH |
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change | 1832-5912 | B | ORG / PERS, RECH |
Journal of Accounting and Economics | 0165-4101 | A+ | STEU, RECH |
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | 0278-4254 | B | STEU, ÖBWL, RECH |
Journal of Accounting Education | 0748-5751 | C | RECH |
Journal of Accounting Literature | 0737-4607 | B | RECH |
Journal of Accounting Research | 0021-8456 | A+ | STEU, RECH |
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance | 0148-558X | B | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Journal of Advertising | 0091-3367 | B | MARK |
Journal of Advertising Research JAR | 0021-8499 | C | MARK |
Journal of Applied Accounting Research | 0967-5426 | C | RECH |
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | 0021-8863 | B | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Applied Business Research | 0892-7626 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance | 1078-1196 | C | BA-FI |
Journal of Applied Psychology | 0021-9010 | A | MARK, ORG / PERS |
Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society | 1063-2921 | k.R. | Medien Kultur Freizeit |
Journal of Asset Management | 1470-8272 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Banking & Finance | 0378-4266 | A | BA-FI, STEU |
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics | 1053-5357 | B | ABWL |
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | 0894-3257 | B | STEU, MARK, ORG / PERS |
Journal of Behavioral Finance | 1542-7560 | B | BA-FI, STEU |
Journal of Brand Management | 1350-231X | C | MARK |
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing | 0885-8624 | C | MARK |
Journal of Business and Psychology | 0889-3268 | B | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Business Economics (JBE) (früher: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB) | 0044-2372 | B | ABWL |
Journal of Business Ethics | 0167-4544 | B | RECH, NAMA, WEW |
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting | 0306-686X | B | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Journal of Business Logistics | 0735-3766 | B | LOG, PROD |
Journal of Business Market Management (jbm) | 1864-0753 | D | MARK |
Journal of Business Research | 0148-2963 | B | ABWL |
Journal of Business Strategies | 0887-2058 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Business Strategy | 0275-6668 | C | ABWL, SM |
Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis | 1932-9156 | C | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Journal of Business Venturing (JBV) | 0883-9026 | A | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing | 1051-712X | C | MARK |
Journal of Change Management | 1469-7017 | C | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Civil Society | 1744-8689 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Journal of Cleaner Production | 0959-6526 | B | NAMA |
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | 1382-6905 | k.R. | OR |
Journal of Communication | 0021-9916 | B | MARK, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
Journal of Competence-based Strategic Management (früher: Jahrbuch Strategisches Kompetenzmanagement) | 2199-7179 | C | ORG / PERS, SM, TIE |
Journal of Computational Finance | 1460-1559 | B | BA-FI, WI |
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) | 1083-6101 | C | MARK, WI, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
Journal of Consumer Affairs | 0022-0078 | C | MARK, NAMA |
Journal of Consumer Behaviour | 1472-0817 | C | MARK |
Journal of Consumer Marketing | 0736-3761 | C/D | MARK |
Journal of Consumer Policy | 0168-7034 | C | MARK, NAMA |
Journal of Consumer Psychology | 1057-7408 | A | MARK |
Journal of Consumer Research | 0093-5301 | A+ | MARK |
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior | 0899-8620 | k.R. | MARK |
Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics | 1815-5669 | C | RECH |
Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance | 1044-8136 | k.R. | RECH |
Journal of Corporate Finance | 0929-1199 | B | BA-FI, STEU |
Journal of Credit Risk | 1744-6619 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | 0022-0221 | k.R. | INT |
Journal of Cultural Economics | 0885-2545 | B | MARK, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
Journal of Customer Behaviour | 1475-3928 | C | MARK |
Journal of Data and Information Quality | 1936-1955 | k.R. | WI |
Journal of Decision Systems | 1246-0125 | B | OR, WI |
Journal of Derivatives | 1074-1240 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | 1084-9467 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Journal of East European Management Studies | 0949-6181 | k.R. | INT |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | 0167-2681 | A | STEU, ORG / PERS |
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control | 0165-1889 | A | BA-FI, OR |
Journal of Economic Psychology | 0167-4870 | B | ABWL |
Journal of Economics & Business | 0148-6195 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy | 1058-6407 | A | ABWL, SM |
Journal of Economics and Finance | 1055-0925 | C | BA-FI |
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | 1539-2937 | C | MARK, ORG / PERS, WI |
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 1526-6133 | C | MARK, WI |
Journal of Empirical Finance | 0927-5398 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management | 0923-4748 | C | TIE |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 1741-0398 | C | LOG, WI |
Journal of Enterprising Culture | 0218-4958 | C | Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures (früher: Journal of Entrepreneurial and Small Business Finance) (eingestellt 2009) | 1099-2219 | C | BA-FI, TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Journal of Entrepreneurship | 0971-3557 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (JEE) | 1098-8394 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | 0095-0696 | B | NAMA |
Journal of Environmental Management | 0301-4797 | B/C | NAMA |
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | 0964-0568 | C | NAMA |
Journal of Environmental Sustainability (eingestellt 2013) | 2159-2519 | k.R. | NAMA |
Journal of European Public Policy | 1350-1763 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Journal of European Social Policy | 0958-9287 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Journal of Family Business Management | 2043-6238 | C | Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Family Business Strategy | 1877-8585 | C | ORG / PERS, SM, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA) | 0022-1090 | A | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Journal of Financial Econometrics | 1479-8409 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Financial Economics | 0304-405X | A+ | BA-FI, STEU |
Journal of Financial Intermediation | 1042-9573 | A | BA-FI |
Journal of Financial Markets | 1386-4181 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Financial Research | 0270-2592 | C | BA-FI |
Journal of Financial Services Marketing | 1363-0539 | k.R. | BA-FI, MARK, Versicherungswirtschaft |
Journal of Financial Services Research | 0920-8550 | C | BA-FI, DL-Handel |
Journal of Fixed Income | 1059-8596 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Forecasting | 0277-6693 | B | MARK, OR |
Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting | 2165-3755 | k.R. | RECH |
Journal of Futures Markets | 0270-7314 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of General Management | 0306-3070 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Global Marketing | 0891-1762 | C | INT, MARK |
Journal of Global Responsibility | 2041-2568 | C | NAMA |
Journal of Health Economics | 0167-6296 | A | Gesundheitswesen |
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy | 1355-8196 | B/C | Gesundheitswesen |
Journal of Healthcare Management | 1096-9012 | C | Gesundheitswesen |
Journal of Heuristics | 1381-1231 | B | OR |
Journal of High Technology Management Research | 1047-8310 | k.R. | TIE |
Journal of Human Resources (JHR) | 0022-166X | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Industrial Ecology | 1088-1980 | A | NAMA |
Journal of Industrial Economics | 0022-1821 | A | ABWL |
Journal of Industrial Engineering | 2314-4882ÿ | k.R. | PROD |
Journal of Industrial Relations (JIR) | 0022-1856 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Information Systems | 0888-7985 | C | RECH, WI |
Journal of Information Technology | 0268-3962 | A | WI |
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) | 1532-4516 | C | WI |
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) | 0932-4569 | B | STEU, ORG / PERS |
Journal of Intellectual Capital | 1469-1930 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Interactive Marketing | 1094-9968 | B | MARK |
Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation | 1061-9518 | B | STEU, RECH |
Journal of International Accounting Research | 1542-6297 | B | INT, RECH |
Journal of International Business and Economics (JIBE) | 1544-8037 | C | ABWL |
Journal of International Business Studies JIBS | 0047-2506 | A | INT, ORG / PERS |
Journal of International Entrepreneurship | 1570-7385 | C | INT, TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting | 0954-1314 | C | RECH |
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money | 1042-4431 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Journal of International Management | 1075-4253 | B | INT |
Journal of International Marketing | 1069-031X | B | INT, MARK |
Journal of International Money and Finance | 0261-5606 | B | BA-FI, INT |
Journal of Knowledge Management | 1367-3270 | C | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Labor Economics | 0734-306X | A | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Law & Economics | 0022-2186 | B | STEU |
Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization | 8756-6222 | B | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies | 1548-0518 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Macromarketing | 0276-1467 | C | MARK, NAMA |
Journal of Management (JOM) | 0149-2063 | A | ABWL |
Journal of Management Accounting Research | 1049-2127 | B | RECH |
Journal of Management and Governance | 1385-3457 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Management Control (früher: Zeitschrift für Planung und Unternehmenssteuerung) | 2191-4761 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Management Education | 1052-5629 | B | ABWL |
Journal of Management Information Systems | 0742-1222 | A | WI |
Journal of Management Inquiry | 1056-4926 | B | ABWL |
Journal of Management Studies (JMS) | 0022-2380 | A | ABWL |
Journal of Managerial Issues | 1045-3695 | C | ABWL |
Journal of Managerial Psychology | 0268-3946 | B | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 1741-038X | k.R. | OR, PROD, TIE |
Journal of Marketing | 0022-2429 | A+ | MARK |
Journal of Marketing Analytics (früher: Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing) | 2050-3318 | k.R. | MARK |
Journal of Marketing Channels | 1046-669X | k.R. | MARK |
Journal of Marketing Communications | 1352-7266 | k.R. | MARK |
Journal of Marketing Education (jme) | 0273-4753 | k.R. | HSM, MARK |
Journal of Marketing Management | 0267-257X | C | MARK |
Journal of Marketing Research | 0022-2437 | A+ | MARK |
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice | 1069-6679 | C | MARK |
Journal of Media Economics | 0899-7764 | B | MARK, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
Journal of Modelling in Management | 1746-5664 | k.R. | ABWL |
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (JMCB) | 0022-2879 | A | BA-FI |
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis | 1057-9214 | k.R. | OR |
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics | 1937-321X | C | ABWL |
Journal of Non Profit and Public Sector Marketing | 1049-5142 | C | ÖBWL |
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | 0963-1798 | B | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Operations Management | 0272-6963 | A | LOG, OR, PROD |
Journal of Organizational Behavior | 0894-3796 | A | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Organizational Change Management | 0953-4814 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | 1091-9392 | C | WI |
Journal of Personnel Psychology (früher: Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie) | 1866-5888 | C | ORG / PERS |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | 0276-8739 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Journal of Political Economy | 0022-3808 | A+ | ABWL |
Journal of Prediction Markets | 1750-676X | k.R. | WI |
Journal of Product & Brand Management | 1061-0421 | C | MARK, TIE |
Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) | 0737-6782 | A | MARK, TIE |
Journal of Promotion Management | 1049-6491 | k.R. | MARK |
Journal of Property Investment and Finance | 1463-578X | k.R. | BA-FI |
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory | 1053-1858 | A | ÖBWL, ORG / PERS |
Journal of Public Economic Theory | 1097-3923 | k.R. | STEU |
Journal of Public Economics | 0047-2727 | A | STEU, ÖBWL |
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management | 1478-4092 | B | LOG, MARK, PROD |
Journal of Real Estate Literature | 0927-7544 | k.R. | |
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management | 1083-5547 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Journal of Real Estate Research (JRER) | 0896-5803 | B | BA-FI, STEU |
Journal of Relationship Marketing | 1533-2667 | C | MARK |
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship | 1471-5201 | C | Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Retailing | 0022-4359 | A | MARK, DL-Handel |
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | 0969-6989 | C | MARK, DL-Handel |
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management | 1476-6930 | C | MARK, OR |
Journal of Risk | 1465-1211 | B | BA-FI, RECH |
Journal of Risk and Insurance | 0022-4367 | A | Versicherungswirtschaft |
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | 0895-5646 | B | OR, ORG / PERS |
Journal of Risk Finance | 1526-5943 | B | BA-FI |
Journal of Scheduling | 1094-6136 | A | OR |
Journal of Service Management | 1757-5818 | B | MARK, ORG / PERS, DL-Handel |
Journal of Service Research - JSR | 1094-6705 | A | MARK, DL-Handel |
Journal of Services Marketing | 0887-6045 | C | MARK, DL-Handel |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (JSBED) | 1462-6004 | k.R. | Entrepreneurship |
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship | 0827-6331 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) | 0047-2778 | B | TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Journal of Small Business Strategy | 1081-8510 | C | SM, TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Journal of Strategic Marketing | 0965-254X | C | MARK |
Journal of Strategy and Management | 1755-425X | C | ABWL, SM |
Journal of Supply Chain Management | 1523-2409 | B | LOG, PROD |
Journal of Taxation | 0022-4863 | C | STEU, RECH |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 0092-0703 | A | MARK |
Journal of the ACM (JACM) | 0004-5411 | B | WI |
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) | 1536-9323 | A | WI |
Journal of the European Economic Association | 1542-4766 | k.R. | STEU |
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 1054-8408 | k.R. | MARK |
Journal of Vocational Behavior | 0001-8791 | B | ORG / PERS |
Journal of World Business | 1090-9516 | B | INT, NAMA |
JPP&M Journal of Public Policy & Marketing | 0743-9156 | B | MARK, ÖBWL |
JPSSM - Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | 0885-3134 | B | MARK |
KMPR. Knowledge Management Research & Practice | 1477-8238 | k.R. | ORG / PERS, WI |
KoR. IFRS: Internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung | 1617-8084 | D | RECH |
kösdi. Kölner Steuerdialog | 0172-1720 | k.R. | STEU |
Künstliche Intelligenz - KI | 0933-1875 | k.R. | WI |
Kyklos | 0023-5962 | B | ABWL |
Labour Economics | 0927-5371 | B | ORG / PERS |
Leadership | 1742-7150 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Leadership Quarterly | 1048-9843 | A | ORG / PERS |
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing | 1865-1348 | C | WI |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) | 0302-9743 | C | TIE, WI |
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) (Proceedings) | 1617-5468 | C | WI |
Local Government Studies | 0300-3930 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Logistics Research | 1865-035Xÿ | C | LOG, OR, PROD |
Long Range Planning | 0024-6301 | B | ABWL, SM |
Management (früher: Management online) | 1286-4892 | C | ABWL |
Management Accounting Quarterly | 1528-5359 | D | RECH |
Management Accounting Research | 1044-5005 | A | RECH |
Management and Organisation Review | 1740-8776 | C | ABWL |
Management Decision | 0025-1747 | C | ABWL |
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) | 0276-7783 | A+ | OR, PROD, WI |
Management International Review | 0938-8249 | B | INT |
Management Learning | 1350-5076 | B | HSM, ORG / PERS |
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal | 1477-7835 | k.R. | NAMA |
Management Research Review (früher: Management Research News) | 2040-8269 | C | ABWL |
Management Review Quarterly (früher: Journal für Betriebswirtschaft JfB) | 0344-9327 | C | ABWL |
management revue - Socio-economic Studies (früher: management revue - The international Review of Management Studies) | 0935-9915 | C | ABWL |
Management Science | 0025-1909 | A+ | ABWL |
Managementforschung | 1615-6005 | B | ORG / PERS |
Managerial and Decision Economics | 0143-6570 | B | STEU, OR, ORG / PERS, RECH |
Managerial Auditing Journal | 0268-6902 | C | RECH |
Managing Service Quality | 0960-4529 | C | DL-Handel |
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM) | 1523-4614 | A | OR, PROD, DL-Handel |
Marketing Health Services (früher: Journal of Health Care Marketing) | 1094-1304 | k.R. | MARK, Gesundheitswesen |
Marketing Intelligence & Planning | 0263-4503 | k.R. | MARK |
Marketing Letters | 0923-0645 | B | MARK |
Marketing Review St. Gallen | 1865-6544 | D | MARK, DL-Handel |
Marketing Science | 0732-2399 | A+ | MARK |
Marketing Theory | 1470-5931 | C | MARK |
Marketing Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference ) | 1054-0806 | D | MARK |
Marketing. ZFP - Journal of Research and Management (früher: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis (Marketing ZFP) | 0344-1369 | C | MARK |
Mathematical Finance | 0960-1627 | B | BA-FI |
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | 1432-2994 | B | OR |
Mathematical Programming | 0025-5610 | A | OR, WI |
Mathematics of Operations Research | 0364-765X | A | OR |
McKinsey Quarterly | 0047-5394 | k.w.Z. | ABWL |
Medical Care | 0025-7079 | k.R. | Gesundheitswesen |
Medical Decision Making | 0272-989X | A | Gesundheitswesen |
Medienwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Medienmanagement und Kommunikationsökonomie | 1613-0669 | k.R. | Medien Kultur Freizeit |
MIS Quarterly Executive | 1540-1960 | B | WI |
MIT Sloan Management Review | 1532-9194 | C | ABWL |
Multinational Business Review | 1525-383X | C | INT |
Multivariate Behavioral Research | 0027-3171 | k.R. | MARK |
National Tax Journal | 0028-0283 | A | STEU |
Naval Research Logistics | 0894-069X | B | LOG, OR |
Negotiation Journal | 0748-4526 | C | ABWL |
Networks | 1097-0037 | k.R. | OR |
NeuroPsychoEconomics | 1861-4523 | k.R. | MARK |
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly | 0899-7640 | B | ÖBWL |
Nonprofit Management & Leadership | 1048-6682 | B | ÖBWL |
Nonprofit Policy Forum | 2154-3348 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
NWB Rechnungswesen -BBK | 0340-9848 | k.w.Z. | RECH |
NWB Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht - NWB direkt (früher: Neue WirtschaftsBriefe) | 1860-9449 | k.R. | STEU |
Ökologisches Wirtschaften | 1430-8800 | D | NAMA |
Omega | 0305-0483 | B | ABWL |
Operations Management Research | 1936-9735 | k.R. | PROD |
Operations Research | 0030-364X | A+ | OR |
Operations Research Letters | 0167-6377 | B | OR |
Operations Research Proceedings | 0721-5924 | D | OR |
Optimization. A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research | 0233-1934 | k.R. | OR |
OR News | 1437-2045 | k.w.Z. | OR |
OR Spectrum | 0171-6468 | A | OR |
OrganisationsEntwicklung | 0724-6110 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Organization | 1350-5084 | B | ORG / PERS |
Organization & Environment | 1086-0266 | B | NAMA |
Organization Science | 1047-7039 | A+ | ORG / PERS |
Organization Studies | 0170-8406 | A | ABWL |
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | 0749-5978 | A | STEU, ORG / PERS |
Organizational Dynamics | 0090-2616 | C | ORG / PERS |
Organizational Research Methods | 1094-4281 | A | ORG / PERS |
ÖStZ - Österreichische Steuerzeitung | 0029-9529 | k.R. | STEU |
Personalführung | 0723-3868 | k.w.Z. | ORG / PERS |
PERSONALquarterly (früher: Personal: Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management) | 0031-5605 | D | ORG / PERS |
Personalwirtschaft | 0341-4698 | k.w.Z. | ORG / PERS |
Personnel Psychology | 0031-5826 | A | ORG / PERS |
Personnel Review | 0048-3486 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PWP) | 1468-2516 | C | STEU |
PharmacoEconomics | 1170-7690 | A | Gesundheitswesen |
Philosophy of Science | 0031-8248 | k.R. | WEW |
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management | 1363-951X | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Policy Studies | 0144-2872 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Praxis der internationalen Rechnungslegung (PiR) | 1862-8753 | k.w.Z. | STEU, RECH |
Praxis Internationale Steuerberatung | 1438-8375 | k.w.Z. | STEU |
Problems and Perspectives in Management | 1727-7051 | C | ABWL |
Proceedings der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) | keine | D | MARK |
Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference | 0888-1839 | D | MARK |
Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) | keine | D | WI |
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) | keine | B | WI |
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) | keine | C | WI |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) | keine | B | WI |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) | verschiedene ISBN | C | WI |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) | keine | A | WI |
Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) (früher: Tagungsbände der Wirtschaftsinformatik WI) | keine | C | WI |
Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) | keine | D | WI |
Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) | keine | C | WI |
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) (früher: Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) | keine | k.R. | WI |
Production and Inventory Management Journal | 0897-8336 | k.R. | PROD |
Production and Operations Management | 1059-1478 | A | PROD |
Production Planning & Control | 0953-7287 | C | PROD |
Project Management Journal | 8756-9728 | C | ABWL |
Psychology & Marketing | 0742-6046 | B | MARK |
Public Administration | 0033-3298 | B | ÖBWL |
Public Administration and Development | 0271-2075 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Public Administration Quarterly | 0734-9149 | C | ÖBWL |
Public Administration Review | 0033-3352 | B | ÖBWL, ORG / PERS |
Public Choice | 0048-5829 | k.R. | STEU |
Public Finance Review | 0048-5853 | B | STEU, ÖBWL |
Public Management Review | 1471-9037 | B | ÖBWL |
Public Money and Management | 0954-0962 | C | ÖBWL |
Public Performance & Management Review | 1530-9576ÿ | C | ÖBWL |
Public Personnel Management (PPM) | 0091-0260 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Public Policy and Administration | 0952-0767 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Qualitative Market Research | 1352-2752 | k.R. | MARK |
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management | 1176-6093 | B | ABWL |
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets | 1755-4179 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Quantitative Finance | 1469-7688 | B | BA-FI |
Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME) | 1570-7156 | B | MARK |
R&D Management | 0033-6807 | B | TIE |
Real Estate Economics | 1080-8620 | k.R. | BA-FI |
Real Estate Finance | 0748-318X | k.R. | BA-FI |
Research in Accounting Regulation | 1052-0457 | C | RECH |
Research in Higher Education | 0361-0365 | k.R. | HSM |
Research in Organizational Behavior | 0191-3085 | B | ORG / PERS |
Research in the Sociology of Organizations | 0733-558X | B | ORG / PERS |
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting | 2222-1697 | k.R. | RECH |
Research Policy (RP) | 0048-7333 | A | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Research-Technology Management (RTM) | 0895-6308 | C | TIE |
Resource and Energy Economics | 0928-7655 | B | NAMA |
Review of Accounting and Finance | 1475-7702 | C | RECH |
Review of Accounting Studies | 1380-6653 | A | STEU, RECH |
Review of Derivatives Research | 1380-6645 | A | BA-FI |
Review of Finance | 1572-3097 | A | BA-FI, STEU |
Review of Financial Economics | 1058-3300 | B | BA-FI |
Review of Managerial Science | 1863-6683 | B | ABWL |
Review of Marketing Research | 1548-6435 | k.R. | MARK |
Review of Marketing Science | 1546-5616 | C | MARK |
Review of Public Personnel Administration | 0734-371X | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting | 0924-865X | B | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Revue Internationale PME | 0776-5436 | k.R. | Entrepreneurship |
RIW - Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft | 0340-7926 | D | STEU, INT |
RWZ - Zeitschrift für Recht und Rechnungswesen (früher: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Recht und Rechnungswesen RWZ) | 1018-3779 | D | RECH |
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS) | 0905-0167 | C | WI |
Scandinavian Journal of Management | 0956-5221 | B | ABWL |
Schmollers Jahrbuch | 1439-121X | k.R. | STEU |
Schweizer Treuhänder | 0036-746X | D | BA-FI, STEU, RECH |
Science | 0036-8075 | A+ | ABWL |
Service Business | 1862-8516 | k.R. | MARK, DL-Handel |
Service Industries Journal | 0264-2069 | C | DL-Handel |
Service Science | 2164-3970 | C | DL-Handel |
SIAM Journal on Computing | 0097-5397 | A | OR, WI |
Small Business Economics | 0921-898X | B | TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal | 0969-160X | C | RECH, NAMA |
Social Policy & Administration | 0144-5596 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Social Responsibility Journal | 1747-1117 | k.R. | NAMA |
Social Science and Medicine | 0277-9536 | k.R. | Gesundheitswesen |
Society and Business Review | 1746-5680 | C | ABWL |
Socio-Economic Review | 1475-1461 | B | ORG / PERS |
Southern Economic Journal | 0038-4038 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Sport Marketing Quarterly (SMQ) | 1061-6934 | D | MARK, Medien Kultur Freizeit |
Steuer + Studium | 0173-1599 | k.w.Z. | STEU |
Steuer und Wirtschaft | 0341-2954 | B | STEU, RECH |
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ) | 1932-4391 | A | TIE, Entrepreneurship, SM |
Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) | 0143-2095 | A | ABWL, SM |
Strategic Organization | 1476-1270 | B | ORG / PERS, SM |
Strategy & Leadership | 1087-8572 | C | ABWL, SM |
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal | 1070-5511 | B | MARK |
StuB - NWB Unternehmenssteuern und Bilanzen (früher: Steuern und Bilanzen StuB) | 1615-8024 | k.w.Z. | STEU, RECH |
Studies in Higher Education | 0307-5079 | k.R. | HSM |
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal | 1625-8312 | k.R. | LOG, PROD |
Supply Chain Management Review | 1521-9747 | k.R. | LOG, PROD |
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal | 1359-8546 | B | LOG, PROD |
Sustainability | 2071-1050 | C | NAMA |
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal | 2040-8021 | C | NAMA |
Sustainable Development | 1099-1719 | C | NAMA |
SWI - Steuer und Wirtschaft International | 1025-806X | C | STEU |
SWK - Steuer- und Wirtschaftskartei | 1025-8078 | k.w.Z. | STEU |
System Dynamics Review | 0883-7066 | B | ÖBWL, OR |
Tagungsbände der Konferenz Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme (MOBIS) | 1617-5468 | D | WI |
Tax Notes International | 1048-3306 | k.R. | RECH |
Tax Planning International Review | 0309-7900 | k.R. | STEU |
Technological Forecasting and Social Change | 0040-1625 | B | PROD, TIE |
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management | 0953-7325 | C | SM, TIE |
Technovation | 0166-4972 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
Telecommunications Policy | 0308-5961 | C | TIE, WI |
The British Accounting Review | 0890-8389 | C | STEU, RECH |
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 1465-7503 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
The Journal of Corporate Citizenship | 1470-5001 | C | NAMA |
The Journal of Finance | 0022-1082 | A+ | BA-FI, STEU |
The Journal of Higher Education | 0022-1546 | k.R. | HSM |
The Journal of Portfolio Management | 0095-4918 | B | BA-FI |
The Journal of Private Equity | 1096-5572 | D | BA-FI, Entrepreneurship |
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | 0895-5638 | k.R. | BA-FI |
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems | 0963-8687 | A | ORG / PERS, WI |
The Journal of Technology Transfer | 0892-9912 | B | TIE, Entrepreneurship |
The Journal of the American Taxation Association | 0198-9073 | B | STEU |
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance | 1062-9769 | B | BA-FI |
The RAND Journal of Economics | 0741-6261 | A | ABWL |
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies | 2045-9920 | k.R. | BA-FI |
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies | 2046-9128 | k.R. | BA-FI |
The Review of Financial Studies | 0893-9454 | A+ | BA-FI, STEU |
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics | 0347-0520 | k.R. | STEU |
The World Economy | 0378-5920 | k.R. | STEU |
Theory and Decision | 0040-5833 | k.R. | OR |
Thunderbird International Business Review | 1096-4762 | C | INT |
Transfer. Werbeforschung & Praxis | 1436-789X | D | MARK |
Transnational Corporations | 1014-9562 | k.R. | INT |
Transportation | 0049-4488 | k.R. | LOG |
Transportation Journal | 0041-1612 | k.R. | LOG |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 0965-8564 | B | LOG |
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | 0191-2615 | B | LOG, OR |
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment | 1361-9209 | B | LOG |
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | 1366-5545 | B | LOG |
Transportation Science | 0041-1655 | A | LOG, OR |
Umsatzsteuer Rundschau | 0341-8669 | k.R. | STEU |
uwf Umweltwirtschaftsforum | 0943-3481 | D | NAMA |
Value in Health | 1098-3015 | B | Gesundheitswesen |
Venture Capital. An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance | 1369-1066 | C | Entrepreneurship |
Versicherungswirtschaft | 0042-4358 | k.w.Z. | Versicherungswirtschaft |
VM Verwaltung & Management | ÿ0947-9856 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Voluntary Sector Review | 2040-8056 | k.R. | ÖBWL |
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations | 0957-8765 | B | ÖBWL |
WiST Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium | 0340-1650 | D | ABWL |
WISU das wirtschaftsstudium | 0340-3084 | D | ABWL |
Work, Employment and Society | 0950-0170 | B | ORG / PERS |
World Tax Journal | 1878-4917 | C | STEU |
ZBB - Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft | 0936-2800 | C/D | BA-FI |
ZCG Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance | 1862-8702 | D | RECH |
Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung (eingestellt 2009) | 0933-9027 | k.R. | NAMA |
Zeitschrift für Arbeits und Organisationspsychologie A&O | 0932-4089 | C | ORG / PERS |
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft | 0340-2444 | k.R. | ORG / PERS |
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen | 0341-4019 | D | BA-FI |
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft | 0044-2585 | C | Versicherungswirtschaft |
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft | 0343-5377 | C | NAMA |
Zeitschrift für Management (eingestellt 2011) | 1861-4264 | C | ABWL |
Zeitschrift für Personalforschung: German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management | 0179-6437 | C | ORG / PERS |
Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (ZGR) | 1612-7048 | C | ABWL |
Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft (ZfV) | 0044-3670 | k.R. | LOG |
Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen (ZfV) | 0514-2784 | k.R. | Versicherungswirtschaft |
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics | 1439-880X | C | NAMA, WEW |
Zeitschrift Interne Revision | 0044-3816 | D | RECH |
zfbf Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung - Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr) | 0341-2687 | B | ABWL |
ZfgG Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen | 0044-2429 | C | ÖBWL |
ZfKE: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship | 1860-4633 | C | TIE, Entrepreneurship, KMU |
zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation | 0722-7485 | D | ORG / PERS |
ZfU - Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht | 0931-0983 | B | NAMA |
ZIÖ Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie | 1611-4051 | C | ABWL |
ZögU: Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services) | 0344-9777 | C | ÖBWL |
ZSteu: Zeitschrift für Steuern & Recht (eingestellt 2012) | 1614-7936 | k.w.Z. | STEU |
ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb | 0947-0085 | k.R. | PROD |