Scientific Commission Banking and Finance (BA-FI)

The Scientific Commission on Banking and Finance brings together academics working in all areas of finance. Its mission is to foster exchange between the members in order to strengthen finance research in Germany. Key objectives of the commission include serving as an information hub for its members as well as transferring knowledge to external stakeholders, promoting junior researchers, and strengthening interdisciplinary research within the finance academia. Currently, around 240 members actively contribute to achieving the commission’s goals.


Prof. Dr. Oscar A. Stolper
Philipps-Universität Marburg

Professur für Behavioral Finance
Am Plan 1
35032 Marburg

Telefon: +49 6421 28-21702
Email: oscar.stolper(at)

Deputy Chair

Prof. Dr. Peter Limbach
Universität Bielefeld

Lehrstuhl für Corporate Finance und Governance
Universitätsstraße 25
33615 Bielefeld

Telefon: +49 521 106-5120
Email: peter.limbach(at)