32. Tagung zum Thema 'Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organisation und IKT - Was läuft gut, was könnte besser laufen in Forschung und Ausbildung', 21.02.-22.02.2008 in München

Anja Tuschke, Gerard Sanders, Exequiel Hernandez

Disentangling Board Interlocks –The Differential Impact of Sent, Received, and Neutral Ties
Koreferat: Bettina Wittneben

Lars Schweizer, Holger Patzelt, Charles Dhanaraj

Analyzing the importance of integration speed in the post-acquisition integration process
Koreferat: Werner Hoffmann

Leif Brandes, Egon Franck, Philipp Theiler

The Effect of Cultural Diversity on Team Production – Empirical Evidence from the Sports Industry

Koreferat: Michèle Morner

Marina Fiedler

Communication in Virtual Worlds, Group identity, Collective Orientation, and Communication

Koreferat: Rick Vogel

Helmut Dietl, Stephan Werner

Incentives, Social Ties and Corruption in Professional Sumo

Koreferat: Lars Schweizer

Anja Mante, Jörg Sydow

Inter-organizational Routines: Coordinating R&D Practices in International Alliances

Koreferat: Peter Eberl

Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers, Dr. Johannes Helbig, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl, Dr. Martin Sonnenschein

Podiumsdiskussion: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organisation und IKT 
- Was läuft gut, was könnte besser laufen in Forschung und Ausbildung

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot

Katja Rost, Margit Osterloh

Managementmode Pay-for-Performance

Koreferat:Stephan Kaiser

Oliver Baumann, Nicolaj Siggelkow

Chunky vs. Incremental Growth: How to Expand a Search Domain 
Koreferat: Holger Patzelt

Stefan Süß

Die Institutionalisierung von Managementkonzepten. Eine strukturationstheoretisch-politische Perspektive

Koreferat: Anja Mante

Isabell Welpe, M. Audrey Korsgaard, Harry J. Sapienza

Evolution of trust: early versus later stages of the relationship

Koreferat: Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß

Helmut Dietl Susanne Royer, Uwe Stratmann

Wertschöpfungsorganisation und Differenzierungsdilemma in der Automobilindustrie Koreferat: Martin Gersch

Alexander Nicolai, David Seidel

A Note on the Concept of Relevance

Koreferat: Egbert Kahle

Christiana Weber

CVC as knowledge broker and mediator with a bird's eye view - a dynamic social network perspective revealing social capital as well as social liability

Koreferat: Alexander Nicolai

Egon Franck, Stephan Nüesch

Talent and/or Popularity – What Does it Take to Be a Superstar?

Koreferat: Anja Tuschke

Jochen Koch, Daniel Geiger

Der „Practice turn“ in der Organisationsforschung: Von der individuellen Routine zur organisationalen Praktik

Koreferat: Christina Hoon

Oliver Ludewig, Dieter Sadowski

Organisational capital – a useful metaphor

Koreferat: Thomas Steger

Helmut Dietl, Markus Lang, Alexander Rathke

The Effect of Salary Caps in Professional Team Sports on Social Welfare

Koreferat: Alexander Dilger

Marina Fiedler, Isabell Welpe

How do organizations remember? The influence of organizational structure on organizational memory

Koreferat: Leonhard Dobusch

Prof. M. Jaques Liouville

„Neues zur Entstehung der Theorie der Arbeitsteilung von Adam Smith“

Jochen Koch, Stefan Süß

Zum Ursprung von Institutionen. Der neoinstitutionalistische Prozess der Institutionengenese im Lichte der Theorie der Pfadabhängigkeit

Koreferat: Guido Möllering

Egon Franck, Stephan Nüesch

Wage Dispersion and Team Performance – An Empirical Panel Analysis

Koreferat: Bernd Frick

Leonhard Dobusch

Escaping Path Dependency: Adoption of Network Effect Technologies as Organisational Innovation

Koreferat: Friederike Wall

Bettina Wittneben, Shazahad Ansari, Nelson Phillips

Innovation in Climate Change Policy: Institutional Theory as a Framework for Action

Koreferat: David Seidl

Bernd Frick, Christian Knebel

Is there really a “Death-Effect” in Art Markets?

Koreferat: Leif Brandes

Helmut Dietl, Andreas Grütter, Martin Lutzenberger

Deregulation of Letter Markets and its Impact on Process and Product Innovation

Koreferat: Nico Grove

Wolfgang H. Güttel, Stefan W. Konlechner

Continuously Hanging by a Thread: Dynamic Capabilities in Ambidextrous Organizations

Koreferat:Oliver Baumann

Thomas Steger

Just another Procrustres Bed? The implementation of corporate governance code principles in German SMEs

Koreferat: Katja Rost

Alexander Fliaster, Florian Schloderer

Strategic relevance, specificity, and costs of advice ties

Koreferat: Isabell Welpe