31. Tagung zum Thema 'Aktuelle Probleme', 28.02.-02.03.2007 in München

Margit Osterloh, Bruno S. Frey

Evaluations: Hidden Costs, Questionable Benefits, and Superior Alternatives
Korreferat: Birgitta Wolff

Bernd Frick, Robert Simmons

The impact of managerial quality on organisational performance: evidence from German soccer
Koreferat: Egon Franck

Günther Ortmann

Die hypermoderne Konstellation: Kontingenz und Pfadabhängigkeit
Zur Paradoxie eines post-archimedischen Managements
Koreferat: Jean-Paul Thommen

Katja Rost, Antoinette Weibel, Margit Osterloh

Good Organizational Design for Bad Motivational Dispositions?
Koreferat: Ralf Antes

Olaf Rank

Strategieentwicklung als politischer Prozess: Eine netzwerkanalytische Untersuchung
Koreferat: Peter Walgenbach

Marina Fiedler, Isabell M. Welpe,
Arnold Picot

Understanding Radical Change: 
The Case of the University System for Management in Germany
Koreferat: Alfred Kieser

Alexander Fliaster, Josef Spieß

Innovationsbeziehungen von Wissensarbeitern: 
Ideen, Kosten und emotionale Bindung
Koreferat: Stephan Kaiser

Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Florian Willert

What determines the size of private equity firms?
Koreferat: Anja Tuschke

Mark Ebers,
Indre Maurer

The Institutional and Social Embeddedness of Governance Arrangements in Industrial Buyer-Supplier Relationships
Koreferat: Bettina Wittneben

Jochen Koch

Strategic Paths and Media Management
A path dependency analysis of the German newspaper market of high quality journalism
Koreferat: Günter Müller-Stewens

Marina Fiedler, Isabell M. Welpe

Individuelle und institutionelle Einflussfaktoren auf Berufungspräferenzen von Hochschullehrern in der BWL
Koreferat: Wolfgang H. Güttel

Andreas Georg Scherer, William McKinley

Globalization Critics vs. Free Trade Theory: An Ideological Conflict and its Implications for Multinational Enterprises
Koreferat: Günther Ortmann

David Seidl, Paula Jarzabkowski

Meetings as Strategizing Episodes in the Social Practice of Strategy
Koreferat: Olaf Rank

Michael Mohe, Dirk Höner

‘Professionally’ dealing with consultancy: Why and how client firms have to govern their managers
Koreferat: Rainer Marr

Marina Fiedler, Isabell M. Welpe

‘Is it better to travel a thousand miles than to read a thousand books?’ 
Institutional and cognitive antecedents of junior faculty’s publication productivity
Koreferat: Julia Brandl

Thomas Lauer, Bettina Rockenbach, Peter Walgenbach

Not just hot air: Normative codes of conduct induce cooperative behavior
Koreferat: Georg Schreyögg

Matthias Brauer, Mark Heitmann

What Drives Strategic Flexibility? An Empirical Study of European Multi-Business Firms
Koreferat: Hartmut Wächte

Philipp Käser

Organizational coordination of interruptions: The impact of quiet time on performance and stress
Koreferat: Hugo M. Kehr

Christiana Weber, Markus Göbel

Wenn Wissen nicht gleich Wissen ist – eine empirische Analyse zum Wissenstransfer in deutschen Corporate Venture Capital Triaden aus sozialkonstruktivistischer Perspektive
Koreferat: Oskar Grün

Thomas Ehrmann, Eugen Scheinker

Ex-post Adaptionen von Vertragsregelungen – eine simulationsbasierte Analyse
Koreferat: Wolfgang Burr

Achim Oberg, Tino Schöllhorn, Michael Woywod

Isomorphism in Organizational Self-Representation in the World Wide Web? Institutionalization Processes Regarding Internet Presentation of Organizations
Koreferat: Alexander Dilger

Markus Reihlen, Mark A. Mone

Professional service firms, knowledge-based competition, and the heterarchical organization form
Koreferat: Helmut Dietl

Thomas Ehrmann, Julian Dormann, Brinja Meiseberg

Performance Implications of Economic and Network Analytic Concepts in the German Motion Picture Industry – An Empirical Analysis
Koreferat: Arnold Picot